circad | circRNAs associated with diseases
 Genome Locuschr3:14487224-14520076:+Buildhg19
 DiseaseHepatocellular CarcinomaICD-10 Liver cell carcinoma (C22.0)
 DBLinkLink to databasePMID30120213
 Experimental Method
 Sample Typeplasma and tumour tissue samplesComparison120 participants who were diagnosed with HCC were included in this study. These patients contained an equal number of men and women at different tumour stages
 Method for EstimationQuantitative PCR and MicroarraysPCR Details
Suggested PrimersStatisticsFold Change : Downregulated
pvalue : p<0.05
Weng, Q, Chen, M, Li, M, Zheng, YF, Shao, G, Fan, W, Xu, XM, Ji, J (2019). Global microarray profiling identified hsa_circ_0064428 as a potential immune-associated prognosis biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma. J. Med. Genet., 56, 1:32-38.